08:07 < RIPE> has been for a few minutes)
08:07 < RIPE> Geoff Huston is presenting APNIC updates
08:09 < RIPE> Geoff Huston finished presenting the APNIC update
08:09 < RIPE> Aaron Hughes is presenting the ARIN updates
08:11 -!- RIPE [~c10001e6 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
08:11 -!- Tim_RIPENCC [~c10001e6 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
08:12 < BSS27-RIPE> hum - no ratings active for this mornings session
08:15 < Tim_RIPENCC> Aaron Hughes has finished presenting the ARIN updates
08:15 < Tim_RIPENCC> There are no ratings for these presentations
08:16 < Tim_RIPENCC> Luisa Villa is presenting the LACNIC updates
08:17 < Tim_RIPENCC> I believe that ratings only apply to sessions organised by the Programming Committee
08:18 < Tim_RIPENCC> and these are more general updates
08:21 -!- ripe901 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
08:25 < Tim_RIPENCC> Luisa Villa has asked for questions.
08:25 < Tim_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended
08:25 < Tim_RIPENCC> Axel Pawlik has begun the presentation "NRO EC Update"
08:27 -!- ripe275_Arthur_AFRINIC [~c401002d [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
08:31 < BSS27-RIPE> To whoever is doing the video stream -> Archive: I am impressed.
08:35 < Tim_RIPENCC> Axel Pawlik has asked for questions.
08:35 < Tim_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
08:35 < Tim_RIPENCC> BSS27 I will relay to our tech team :)
08:35 < Tim_RIPENCC> Ingrid Wijte has begun the presentation "NRO Statistics"
08:36 -!- ripe275_Arthur_AFRINIC [~c401002d [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
08:38 -!- ripe034 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
08:41 < Tim_RIPENCC> Ingrid Wijte has asked for questions.
08:43 < Tim_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
08:43 < Tim_RIPENCC> Selina Harrington has begun the presentation "IANA Update"
08:49 < Tim_RIPENCC> Selina Harrington has asked for questions.
08:49 < Tim_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
08:51 < Tim_RIPENCC> Andrei Robachevsky is presenting "RIPE PC Elections"
08:51 -!- shane [~shane@2001:67c:64:47:4a5d:60ff:fe2a:dd50] has joined #plenary
08:52 -!- rsw [~c1001ace [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
08:52 < Tim_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
08:53 < Tim_RIPENCC> This session has now ended.